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高通成立高通生命公司 为医疗终端提供无线解决方案


高通5日宣布组建全资子公司高通生命公司(Qualcomm Life Inc.),该公司将运营此前的高通无线医疗(Qualcomm Wireless Health)部门业务。高通公司同时还将设立规模为1亿美元的高通生命基金,由高通公司的投资集团高通风险投资管理。 高通生命公司的首项产品——用于无线医疗终端的2net ™平台和集线器,目前已在美国上市。这项产品旨在通过基于云的解决方案将无线医疗终端互连,以方便终端用户、他们的医疗保健服务提供者和护理者访问生物计量信息。该平台和集线器用于传输、存储、转换和显示医疗终端数据。高通公司还宣布已有超过40家客户和协作方正在加入或正在考虑2net生态系统,这将为医疗终端、移动医疗应用和医疗服务公司构建一个协同共用的、并可提升价值的生态系统。高通生命公司正在于美国华盛顿特区盖洛德国家旅游会议中心举行的第三届年度移动医疗峰会上展示2net平台、集线器以及集成的客户终端和应用程序(403号展馆,2011年12月5 日至7日)。

高通生命公司副总裁兼总经理Rick Valencia表示:“组建高通生命公司的部分原因是为了帮助我们遇到的一些医疗终端制造商,他们往往因为技术选择错误、部署模式不可扩展或者运营成本过高,导致他们自己在无线连接方面的尝试无以为继。我们的服务,包括基于2net平台的整合,为医疗终端制造商去除了极大的技术开发负担,提供了与移动运营商的集成,使该领域支持无线医疗终端数据变得不再复杂。”

高通生命公司负责全球战略和市场开发的副总裁Don Jones表示:“我们相信2net平台和集线器对医疗终端连接能力的推动将使医疗保健领域发生巨大的变化,因为在这个领域里,我们看到慢性病发病率的日益上升正使医疗系统不堪重负。2net生态系统的多家成员目前已经能够为慢性病管理提供远程监测功能,改善患者医疗保健服务的质量。”

2net平台使企业能够方便地通过无线方式连接他们的医疗终端,从而确保整个医疗保健的过程中都能访问数据。来自患者方面的医疗终端数据可以通过多个网关获取,例如连接到客户服务平台的2net集线器、手机、其他蜂窝终端或应用程序编程接口等。从医疗终端获取数据后,数据被加密并通过蜂窝连接存储在2net平台中。 在2net平台接收到传输数据后,患者医疗终端数据将被传输到制造商为终用户所选择的接口上。2net平台的设计符合HIPAA 安全要求并通过了ISO 13485认证,这意味着它符合美国和国际医疗保健行业监管机构的质量要求。

2net平台和集线器已作为医疗终端数据系统(Medical Devices Data System)各自在FDA报备。2net集线器可以插入标准的电源插座,经由无线短波无缝连接到已集成的合作伙伴医疗终端,将生物计量数据通过蜂窝网络上传到2net平台的数据中心,然后从该中心传输到制造商选择的接口供用户访问。2net 集线器提供即插即用的连接解决方案,医疗终端制造商利用它可以快速、简便地将他们的终端与医疗保健网络集成;医疗保健服务公司可以利用它将基于多个可互通的医疗终端的疾病管理解决方案整合到一起,为患者、医疗保健服务提供者和护理者提供一个统一的用户界面。

Entra Health Systems首席执行官Richard Strobridge表示:“高通生命公司的2net平台通过在每户家庭中提供直接的无线连接,帮助我们扩展了患者与其护理者、家庭和诊所的连接能力。加入2net生态系统,将帮助MyGlucoHealth无线血糖仪和糖尿病管理系统,在病患缺乏无线连接能力的例如老年人护理保健、家庭保健和辅助生活方面,打开崭新的市场。”

有40多家医疗终端制造商、应用程序开发商、医疗保健服务公司和保健医疗支付人已经加入或者正在考虑2net生态系统中。高通生命公司将于华盛顿特区举行的移动医疗2011年度大会上展示多种基于2net的解决方案的可能性,其中包括以下公司开发的解决方案:A&D Medical、Advanced Warning Systems Inc、AirStrip Technologies Inc.、Asthmapolis、AT&T、BiancaMed、BodyMedia、Emergency Medical Services Corporation®、Entra Health Systems、Ingram Micro Inc.、MidMark Corporation、Hello Health Inc.、Nonin Medical Inc.、 Numera™、ResMed、U.S. Preventive Medicine® 和Venture Corporation Limited。


高通生命基金的使命是加速社会对无线医疗服务和技术的采用。高通生命基金将成为高通风险投资现有的投资项目的一部分,但将特别专注于无线医疗,帮助推动2net平台以及其他无线医疗项目的加速应用。该基金目前的规模是1亿美元。高通风险投资公司已经投资了五家无线医疗公司——Sotera Wireless、Telcare、 AliveCor、Cambridge Temperature Concepts和WorkSmart Labs。这些投资项目将成为该基金的一部分。该基金的专注领域涵盖从个人医疗到疾病管理的各方面。投资将面向多个领域,包括:

• 专用的生物传感器或终端,如慢性病护理、遵医嘱服药、健身或健康等

• 提供远程诊断或监测或侧重自理生活领域的集成系统提供商

• 软件医疗IT应用

• 医疗相关的信息学/分析学

Qualcomm Forms Qualcomm Life Subsidiary to Deliver Comprehensive Wireless Solutions for Medical Devices
Company’s 2net Platform and Hub Connect Ecosystem of Medical Device Customers, Collaborators; $100 Million Qualcomm Life Fund Established to Accelerate Wireless Health Services

SAN DIEGO – December 05, 2011 – Qualcomm Incorporated (NASDAQ: QCOM) announced today the formation of a wholly owned subsidiary, Qualcomm Life Inc., which will operate the business formerly known as Qualcomm Wireless Health, as well as the establishment of a $100 million Qualcomm Life Fund, an investment allocation established by Qualcomm Incorporated and to be managed by Qualcomm Ventures, Qualcomm’s investment group. Qualcomm Life’s first offerings, the 2net™ Platform and Hub for use in connection with wireless medical devices, are now available in the U.S. and are designed to interconnect wireless medical devices via cloud-ba[x]sed solutions so that biometric information is easily accessible by device users, their health care providers and caregivers. The platform and hub are intended to transfer, store, convert and display medical device data. The Company also announced that more than 40 customers and collaborators are either integrating with or considering the 2net ecosystem, creating an interoperable and value-enhancing ecosystem of medical devices, mobile medical applications and health services companies. Qualcomm Life is showcasing the 2net Platform, Hub and its integrated customers’ devices and applications at the third annual mHealth Summit, being held at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in Washington, D.C. (Pavilion #403).

“Qualcomm Life was founded, in part, to assist medical device manufacturers who approached Qualcomm for help when their own wireless connectivity attempts became untenable due to technology selection errors, unscalable deployment models and prohibitively high operational support costs,” said Rick Valencia, vice president and general manager of Qualcomm Life. “Our services, including integration on the 2net Platform, remove the burden for medical device manufacturers of a large technical development effort, providing integration with mobile carriers and solving the operational complexities of supporting wireless medical device data in the field.”

“We believe the 2net Platform and Hub’s promotion of medical device connectivity will enable a sea change in health care, where we observe stressed medical systems burdened by a mounting prevalence of chronic disease,” stated Don Jones, vice president of global strategy and market development for Qualcomm Life. “Already, several members of the 2net ecosystem are able to provide remote monitoring functionality for chronic disease management, enhancing the quality of care for their patients.”

The 2net Platform makes it easy for companies to connect wirelessly to their medical devices so that data can be made available across the continuum of care. Data is obtained from a patient’s medical device through several gateways, such as the 2net Hub, a mobile phone, another cellular-enabled device or application programming interfaces that connect to the customer service platform. Once the data is acquired from the medical device, it is encrypted and then stored in the 2net Platform over a cellular connection. After the 2net Platform has received the transmission, patient medical device data is transferred to the manufacturers’ interface of choice for the end-user. The 2net Platform is designed to meet HIPAA security requirements and is ISO 13485 certified, meaning it aligns with the quality requirements of U.S. and international regulatory agencies in the health care industry.

The 2net Platform and Hub are individually listed with the FDA as Medical Device Data Systems (MDDS). The 2net Hub plugs into a standard electric outlet and seamlessly connects to integrated partner medical devices via shortwave radio, uploading biometric data over the cellular network to the 2net Platform’s data center, where it can be transferred to the manufacturer-chosen interface, for access by the user. The 2net Hub provides a plug-and-play connectivity solution for medical device manufacturers looking for quick and simple solutions to integrate their devices with the health network and it enables health care services companies to kit together disease management solutions ba[x]sed on multiple medical devices that can communicate with one another and with a single user interface for patients, their providers and caregivers.

“Qualcomm Life’s 2net Platform will expand our ability to connect patients with caregivers, family and clinicians by providing a direct wireless connection within every home,” stated Richard Strobridge, chief executive officer of Entra Health Systems. “Integration with the 2net ecosystem will open up new markets for MyGlucoHealth Wireless blood glucose meter and diabetes management system within senior care, home health care and assisted living where patients have limited access to wireless technology.”

More than 40 medical device manufacturers, application developers, health care services companies and payors are either integrating with or considering the 2net ecosystem. Qualcomm Life will showcase a broad array of the possibilities for 2net-enabled solutions at the mHealth 2011 conference in Washington D.C., including those being developed by:
A&D Medical, Advanced Warning Systems Inc., AirStrip Technologies Inc., Asthmapolis, AT&T, BiancaMed, BodyMedia, Emergency Medical Services Corporation®, Entra Health Systems, Ingram Micro Inc., MidMark Corporation, Hello Health Inc., Nonin Medical Inc., Numera™, ResMed, U.S. Preventive Medicine® and Venture Corporation Limited.

Qualcomm Life Fund
The mission of the Qualcomm Life Fund is to accelerate wireless health services and technology adoption. The Qualcomm Life Fund will be part of the existing allocation for Qualcomm Ventures, but will specifically focus on wireless health business initiatives that will help accelerate 2net Platform adoption and the adoption of other wireless health initiatives. The fund size is currently $100 million. Qualcomm Ventures has already invested in five wireless health companies—Sotera Wireless, Telcare, AliveCor, Cambridge Temperature Concepts and WorkSmart Labs—and these investments will be part of the fund. The areas of specific interest to the fund range from personal wellness to disease management. Investments are expected to be made in a variety of areas, including:
• Biosensors or devices for vertically focused applications like chronic disease care, medication compliance and fitness or wellness
• Integrated system providers that provide remote diagnosis or monitoring, or that specialize in independent living
• Software health IT applications
• Health-related informatics/analytics

About Qualcomm Life
Qualcomm Life is defining and connecting the wireless health network to improve lives and advance the capabilities of medical devices. Qualcomm Life is focused on device connectivity and data management and empowers medical device manufacturers to deliver wireless health quickly and easily to those who need it. The Qualcomm Life team has the experience and the wireless know-how to make the enormous complexities of a wireless connection look simple. We draw from our parent company’s more than 25 years of wireless connectivity experience, know-how and universal interoperability to enable unified machine-to-machine (M2M) communications. To learn more, please visit www.qualcommlife.com.

About Qualcomm
Qualcomm Incorporated (NASDAQ: QCOM) is the world leader in 3G and next-generation mobile technologies. For more than 25 years, Qualcomm ideas and inventions have driven the evolution of digital communications, li[x]nking people everywhere more closely to information, entertainment and each other. For more information, visit Qualcomm’s website, OnQ blog, Twitter and Facebook pages.

Qualcomm is a registered trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated. 2net and Qualcomm Life are trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Topics: wireless health; Qualcomm Life
Qualcomm Contacts
Emily Kilpatrick
Corporate Communications
p: 1-858-845-5959
e: corpcomm@qualcomm.com
Warren Kneeshaw
Investor Relations
p: 1-858-658-4813
e: ir@qualcomm.com