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硅胶肛门造口袋 品牌:孚升牌 型号:FD-201706型 产地:山东·烟台 产品注册号:鲁烟械备20170035 用途: 医用 招商状态:招商中 招商区域:全国 浏览量:335 我要留言 蓬莱市孚德橡塑制品厂
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【中国实用新型专利】 专利号: 201720144991.X

【Name】Silicone Anal Neostomy Bag
【Trademark】 Fu Sheng
【Model】 FD-201706
【Structure & Performance】 The anal neostomy bag is made by the food-grade silicone, medical cotton gauze and other environment-friendly raw materials after high temperature suppression. It is composed by the O-ring, gasket and simple plastic bags. The la[x]yer of cotton gauze attached to the surface of the silicone provides comfortable touch with the human skin. The O-ring has anti-leakage and anti-slip function. And it has high and low la[x]yer. The high la[x]yer can effectively support the underwear and the low la[x]yer is convenient to take awry excrement. The disposable plastic bag is not only easy to put on and take off but also easy to keep clean. The gasket is thin and light, it is integrated well with the belt and it is convenient to install and remove.
【Application Scope】It is applicable to patients with rectal diversions for daily excrement.
【Method of Operation】Fasten the belt first, O-ring surface facing out at the stoma with the high la[x]yer on the top and the low la[x]yer on the bottom, then pull down the bottom of the plastic bag cross the O-ring from the belt inside close to the skin to the proper length, place the patient's underwear waistband over the O-ring high la[x]yer. Pull down the used plastic bag and discard it directly, and then replace a new plastic bag according to the above steps.
【Attention】Adjust elastic band of waist belt properly and prevent overstretching.
【Product Record Number】 Lu Yan Equipment 20170035
【Production Record Number】 Lu Yan Food and Drug Supervising Equipment 20170013

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