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手提式不锈钢压力蒸汽灭菌器力 品牌:双哈,哈哈 型号:YX280/15. YX280/20定 时数控(TIMING CONTROL) 产地:上海 产品注册号:沪械注准20182570168 用途: 医用 招商状态:招商中 招商区域:全国 浏览量:317 我要留言 上海华线医用核子仪器有限公司
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• 灭菌器按YY0504-2016标准,具有联锁装置安全效果
・ 旋转式90度开盖手柄,操作时特别方便、安全
• 可以按需设定灭菌温度,工作温度设定范围:室温+5 ~126℃
• 可以按需设定灭菌保温时间,保温时间设定范围:1~99min
• 灭菌器盖上设有安全阀,能有效防止超压引起的不安全隐患
・ 灭菌器盖上设有冷空气排放阀(放汽阀),可以在加热开始时排放器内的冷空气
• 双刻线压力表指针指示清惭,观察方便,性能可靠
・ 灭菌器控制面板在合适的工作高度范圉内所有的指示非常清晰,操作十分方便
・ 灭菌过程的温度和时间由LED数码管按程序分段显示
・ 操作面板上的LED指示灯按操作需要和运行状态点亮显示
・ 灭菌器具有“自整定”功能
・ 灭菌器具有低水位停止继续加热功能
・ 灭菌器在低水位、保温结束终止程序时有蜂鸣器报警提示的功能
• 灭菌器设有运行控制开关,防止设备通电后加热管立即开始工作的弊病
・ 灭营器工作过程(升压后)无蒸汽排放污染环境,无嗓声产生干扰工作
• 本产品采用SUS304优质不锈钢制成。具有在正常条件下工作足够的安全强度
• 灭菌器的径向自胀浮盖密封结构密封效果优异,并已获得国家专利,密封圈采用硅橡胶制成
・ 灭菌器底部设有座圈和放水龙头.产品放置时稳定性好,排放浓缩水方便
・浸 入式电加热管热效率高,不锈钢外管坚固耐用
Performance and characteristic:
► According to standard yy0504-2016,sterilizer has safety effect of interlocking device
► 90 degree rotary open lid handle,convenient and safe operation
► Can be set as required sterilization temperature, working temperature range: room
temperature + 5~ 126X
► Can be set as required sterilization time of heat preservation, heat preservation time setting
range: 1~99min
► Disinfector cover Is provided with safety valve, can effectively prevent overpressure caused
by the unsafe hidden danger
► Disinfector cover is provided with a cold air discharge valve ( steam valve ), In the start of
heating the cold air In the discharge device
A Double groove gauge clear Indication, convenient observation, reliable performance
A Disinfector control panel at a proper working height within all the Instructions are very clear,
the operation Is very convenient
► During the sterilization temperature and time through the LED digital tube display setting
A The operation panel on the LED Indicator according to the operation needs and the running
state of light display
A Disinfector has the" tuning* function
» Disinfector having a low water to stop heating function
► Disinfector in low water level, Insulation end termination programs have a buzzer alarm function
► The Disinfector Is provided with an operating control switch, to prevent the equipment after the electricity heating tube to start work Immediately malady
► Disinfector working process (pressure) without steam discharge pollution, no noise interference
► This product uses the high quality stainless steel SUS304. Having to work under normal conditions adequate safety strength
► Disinfector radial self expanding floating cover sealing structure of excellent sealing effect, and has obtained national patent, the sealing ring Is made of silicon
► The Disinfector Is provided at the bottom of ba[x]se ring and discharge water, down products of good stability, convenient to discharge condensed water
► Immersion type electric heating pipe thermal efficiency Is high, durable stainless steel tube
更多 手提式不锈钢压力蒸汽灭菌器力 价格、说明、厂家,请关注3618医疗器械网
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* 温馨提示:请仔细阅读产品说明书或在医务、专业人员指导下购买和使用,禁忌内容或者注意事项详见说明书。



