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【摘要】 目的探讨电视胸腔镜(Video-assisted thoracoscopic)手术诊治胸腔疾病的疗效。方法 自2007年9月-2009年2月,我院胸腔镜手术治疗自发性血胸、外伤性血胸以及难以诊治的胸腔积液及胸膜疾病12例。术后均达到预期效果。结果 手术时间平均为60min,术中平均出血15ml,术后平均放置胸管时间56h,平均住院时间7天,无复发血胸、气胸或胸腔积液。结论 应用胸腔镜治疗血胸、胸腔积液疗效肯定,较传统开胸手术时间短,住院时间短,创伤小,经济,并能在直视下切取病变胸膜活检。

【关键词】 胸腔镜;胸腔疾病;诊断与治疗

  【Abstract】ob[x]jective To discuss the curative effect of video asslsted thoracic operation for thorax disease. Methods In our hospital we carried out video asslsted thoracic operation on twelve patients with thorax diseases such as spontaneous hemothorax and traumatic haemothorax from Sep 2007 to Feb 2009. It was satisfactory in all of cases after surgery operation.Results The average time with the operation for 60min, the average amount of bleeding in the operation for 15ml, the average time with the pleural canals placed for 56h, the average time being in hospital for 7d, no recidivist haemothorax, recidivist pneumatothorax or pleural effussion.Conclusion It is deserved affirmation about the curative effect to apply video asslsted thoracic operation to cure haemothorax and pleural effusion. As compared with the tradition opening thorax operation, it’s shorter than the before time of operation and being in hospital, the wound less than before, better economy, and direct exscinded pathological changes pleura below the orthoptic contemplation then delivered for the examining.

  【Key words】 thoracoscope; thorax disease; diagnosis and treatment

  血胸、不明原因胸腔积液和胸膜疾病,过去我们常规实行开胸手术。电视辅助胸腔镜手术(video-assisted thoracic surgery,VATS)作为一种微创手术在血胸及不明原因的胸腔积液的诊断与治疗中逐渐普及,具有微创性,且有其独到之处。从2007年9月-2009年2月,我们应用电视胸腔镜手术诊断治疗上述疾病12例,现总结如下。

  1 资料与方法

  1.1 一般资料


  1.2 手术方法

  所有病例均采用全麻,双腔气管插管,单肺通气,健侧卧位,腋下垫高。于腋中线第7肋间行一约1.5~ 2cm 长切口,作为观察孔,插入30°胸腔镜。探查胸腔,根据病变位置于腋下第4或5肋间腋前线或腋后线分别行两个1.5~2cm 长切口,作为操作孔。于胸腔镜下仔细检查全肺表面,洗净胸腔积血或积液,对于活跃出血点患者电凝止血,或用钛夹夹闭止血;对外伤性肺表面破损处用钛夹夹闭;对不明原因胸腔积液,可在直视下吸净所有胸腔积液;并对于包裹性胸腔积液在直视下将包裹开窗吸净,用电钩烧断胸腔带状粘连带,吸净胸腔积液,并能在直视下切取病变胸膜活检;对顽固性胸腔积液者行胸膜固定术,将胸腔内均匀洒满滑石粉以促进胸膜粘连封闭胸腔。于观察孔放置胸腔闭式引流管
2 结果

  VATS 12例均顺利完成手术,其中术后1例发生房颤,经内科治疗后好转,余均恢复良好。病变胸膜得到准确病理诊断,血胸患者术后肺膨胀良好,无肺不张,无一例死亡,拔胸腔引流管平均时间为56h,平均引流量为300 ml,术后随访3~6个月,胸片显示肺膨胀良好,患者无胸闷憋气症状,无明显胸膜增厚。