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某地区乳头瘤病毒感染现状分析 A


摘 要:目的 探讨人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)基因分型检测结果及HPV感染在不同年龄段的分布情况。
方法 收集该院2016年1~6月妇科门诊及住院的女性患者宫颈脱落细胞共1368例,采用PCR反向点杂交(PCR-RDB)法进行25种HPV基因分型检测,并结合年龄信息作统计分析。结果 1368例标本中有546例检出HPV阳性,阳性率39.91%,共检测出24种基因型,前3位感染亚型依次为16型(12, 08%)、58型(8.05%)、52型(7.61%),HPV73型未检测到;各年龄组之间HPV感染率比较,差异有统计学意义(P

结论 赤峰地区女性HPV感染具有明显的亚型和年龄异质性,提示宫颈癌的筛查和防治应同时考虑HPV分型和年龄因素。


The status of human papillomavirus infection in one area YU L///
(Clinical Laboratory ,A f filiated Hospital o f Chi feng Urt.iversity,Chi feng,lnner Mongolia 024000,Ch/na)
Abstract:ob[x]jective To analyze the genotypes and age distributions of human papillomavirus in affiliated hospital of Chifeng university,to provide theory basis for the screening and prevention of cervical cancer in Chifeng area. Methods The cervical exfoliated cell specimens from 1 368 gynecological outpatients and female inpatients in affiliated hospital of Chifeng university were collected from January to June 2016. Using PCR-reverse dot blot technology,25 HPV subtypes was performed,a statistical analysis was conduted combing with age. Results Among 1 368 specimens,546 specimens were found with positive HPV,the positive rate was 39. 91%. The 24 genotypes were detected. The top three subtypes of HPV infection were HPV16 (12. 08%) ,HPV 58(8. 05 %) and HPV 52(7. 61%) ,HPV73 genotype was not detected. Masculine gender rate in the groups with various age had significance difference after the chi-square test,among different age groups,the prevalence rate was the highest in the patients with higher than 56 years old(52.5%) ,followed by the rate in patients with lower than 25 years old(52.38%). Conclusion The subtype-specific and age-specific distributions of HPV infection in Chifeng area have obvious heterogeneity,which indicates that HPV genotypes and age should be considered in screening,prevention and treatment of cervical cancer.
Key words:human papillomavirus; genotype; cervical cancer; PCR-reverse dot blot
人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)为乳多空病毒科乳头瘤病毒属的一种,目前被鉴定出的HPV基因型已有100多种,其中近40种能侵袭生殖器官[1]。高危型HPV和少数中间型HPV可引起 恶性病变,尤其是宫颈癌,90%~95%与HPV感染有关[2]。 有研究表明HPV基因型分布具有明显的年龄和地区分布的特异性[3]。现探讨赤峰地区女性HPV感染现状及其与年龄 的分型和分布,为该地区宫颈癌筛查及防治提供理论依据。

l 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料
收集赤峰学院附属医院2016年1~6月的妇 科门诊及住院的官颈异常(官颈糜烂、接触性出血或不规则阴道出血、溃疡、乳头状增生等症状)女性患者,共1 368例,年龄23~75岁,取其宫颈脱落细胞标本进行HPV基因分型检测。年龄分组依据:≤25岁为1个年龄组,≥61岁为1组,中间年龄每5年为1个年龄组,共分为8个组。

HPV基因分型检测试剂盒及HPV细胞保存液均购自艾康生物技术(杭州)有限公司,批号分别为 201101041和201601041。仪器为美国ABI公司7500全自动 荧光定量仪,兴化市分析仪器厂FYY-3型分子杂交仪,莱普特科学仪器有限公司G30型恒温金属浴,澳门其林贝尔仪器有限公司QL-901旋涡混合器,四川蜀科仪器有限公司TG-16台 式高速离心机,Leoparo C4/7k掌式离心机,海尔HK30-ⅡA2生物安全柜


采用SPSS18.O统计软件进行数据分析。 计数资料使用例数和百分率,组间比较应用X2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。